The first Leica pictures

Having seeing thousands of reviews of cameras, it was time to make the big step. I did step in something I was thinking about for many years. My step has been in the world of Leica cameras.

Leica is one legendary brand and this is because of their very strong quality, handmade built in Germany. But also because they stay with the principal, less is more… and stay with the philosophy of the basics of photography. Like it always has been used starting in the sixties.

Not too many buttons and a very easy-to-use menu. No auto-focus system and everything manually focuses. Also use of the rangefinder witch is a discovery for me.

My first pictures:

In the beginning, it felt like complete going back in time. After minutes it felt home. I really love the simplicity of use and for sure the very very high quality of images. The colors in the pictures are exceptional and I love black and white photography. Also, this is superb!

I started my new adventure and there are for sure more beautiful things to discover.