Diving in Belgians history.

When you ask people: ‘What do you know about Belgium?’ The first things they will answer are chocolate, beer & fries. But when you ask: ‘Do you know a famous Belgian place?’ Most of the time people will say, Bruges! Bruges breathes history. It was not the motorcycle that brought me to this beautiful city, but my home vehicle, together with my lovely family.

What can I tell you about this city? Well, there is so much to tell but I want to let the images speak. I have taken photos in the daytime. However, I must say that I really loved night photography which made this historical journey even more powerful.

Every corner has its own story. When you walk in the city center, you have the desire to take pictures of everything. It is a beautiful city in every single way. You feel complete back in time and that is a great feeling since life already passes by like a high-speed train. When I took photos of the monuments in black and white colors, it feels like history coming alive. Next image shows the city at night which I really loved.

As the images show Bruges breathes monuments. The city gave my family a fantastic time and my children a look into its history. For myself, it was a look back in my own timeline, having ridden the legendary Tour of Flanders cycling with a 245km to cycle.

The city of Bruges has always been the starting place of this classic cycling tour. It was also my starting place years ago where I rode my bike to complete a 245km race with a lot of historical cobblestones. The race exists for 100 years. With his legendary winners and old roads to concur, the tour of Flanders is known all over the world. Unfortunately, this is the past for me as I am not able to cycle anymore, but I really do treasure this great adventure.

When I visit a city, I always like to visit churches. Especially in such a historical city as Bruges, it felt like I needed to. The pictures show impressive paintings from the middle ages. I love the colorful windows where the light is giving the photographs a special dimension.

I hope you did enjoy the photos like I enjoyed shooting them.
