The final ride
I never expected to write this story, but sometimes things in life simply don’t work out the way we planned or thought they would. My life has been a rollercoaster. Since I was old enough to ride, two wheels have been a huge part of my life. The final journey would be on my beloved Harley Davidson to the Vlooybergtoren in Tielt Winge, Belgium.
I used to adore riding my motorcycle in these directions since the terrain begins to curve and the slight rise in the road brings wonderful sights to life.
My last ride would be at sunset in the evening, and you have to confess. Isn’t that a beautiful view?

The sky over the tall cornfields looked like an abstract painting, and it was breathtaking to witness. The last days of summer were flying by, and the sunset was much sooner than intended. Here are some more photos of the fantastic building.
The Vlooybergtoren is a watchtower and tourist attraction in Tielt-Winge, Flemish Brabant. It is situated on the Vlooyberg, one of the highest witness hills in Hageland at eighty metres, with views as far as the cooling towers of Vilvoorde and the headframe of the Beringen coal mine on clear days.

I never expected to call this my final ride, but health is paramount in life. This pushed me to abandon my beloved motorcycle to take on new challenges.
I’m not sure what these new adventures will bring because I’m still looking for a solution to be pain-free and feel good in my body.
I’m also looking for a new camera because I’m dissatisfied with my FUJI. It performs an excellent job, but it is not what I would use in my photographs. In my images, I want a more film-look effect.
Sure, the experiences don’t end there, and I’m excited to explore the world in new ways and see much more when the opportunity arises. One thing is certain: I want to have the photos I’m seeking, and that spot can only be found in nature all around the world.
Stay tuned.
Thank you
knap man