Magical stones, Ales Stenar.

Stones have always intrigued me. Every day, I work with crystal stones to heal people. However, clutching stones such as those at Stonehenge and other locations transports you back in time. Outlander, a Netflix series, is an excellent illustration of this. We’re not going to make it science fiction, but rather keep it grounded in reality. One of these natural wonders may be discovered in the untamed environment of Sweden’s far south, on the Baltic Coast.

It was one of my favourite spots. This tour would aid me in my hunt for outdoor activities in 2024 that would allow people to feel the history rather than just view it!

Where it all starts:

Everything begins with preparation, and in between clients, I only had one day to get my new automobile ready. This includes creating a bed in the car and storing my supplies in wooden containers. My father-in-law built me some beautiful crates that were the ideal height for the bed. All of that creativity and woodwork before I went made me feel fantastic as well. So there was some worry before I went, but as you can see from the photographs, I handled it well.

The car was ready to drive the 1050 kilometres to Sweden. I had planned to accomplish this on the motorcycle and even ride it to the North Pool, but my health caused me to rethink all of my motorcycle plans, and I made my way to the 4WD Land Rover. I enjoy driving because it allows me to clear my mind.

The automobile can travel 1200km on a single tank of gasoline; therefore, it was obvious that I could ride it in one piece. But I wanted to take some breaks in between because my body was exhausted from the previous days’ hard work. The Netherlands would be the first country to pass, followed by Germany. In Germany, I would take the boat to Denmark and then the bridge from Denmark to Sweden. I arrived in Puttgarden, Germany, after 650 km, and took my Land Rover Defender to the boat. Here are some photographs of it:

While crossing the water, I realised how many significant adjustments I had made in my life. I wasn’t expecting to have this vehicle, and I never imagined having a panoramic roof on it. But this roof offered me the same freedom I had on my two wheels, something I had not imagined. The pain of having to stop to ride on two wheels disappeared. The roof was open, the music was playing, and there was a gorgeous landscape going by.

After 850 km, I cross the big bridge into Sweden and enter Swedish territory. My arrival point would be 150 km further away.
When I arrived, I noticed a very small community with only a few buildings and a small camping area. With the night approaching, it was time to hunt for a location to sleep and park the car. I was exhausted after ten hours on the journey. So, in the Swedish farming countryside, I found some large fields and parked my car near a little tree area.

My first night sleeping in my new four-wheeled house We still need to adapt and make some little modifications, but it felt good and peaceful. I knew it would be an early morning to witness some magic at the stones, and at 5 a.m., I was prepared.
I rode to the little harbour in the village of Löderup, where it is located.

More about Ales Stenar:

Ales Stenar (Stones) is Sweden’s biggest intact “ship setting” – stones arranged in a ship’s layout. We don’t know for sure what the stones were used for over time, or what the ship setting meant to the people who made it.

A stone-built boat.

Ales Stenar is one of the biggest ship sets in the Nordic area, measuring 67 metres long and 19 metres broad. It is made up of 59 meticulously chosen stones ranging between 500 and 1800 kilogrammes. Ship settings come from the late Bronze Age (about 3,000-2,500 years ago) to the early Iron Age (around 1,600-1,000 years ago). Archaeological tests can be performed to determine Ales Stenar’s age. At the site, the Carbon-14 dating technique for organic remains yields seven findings. One dates the material to roughly 5,500 years ago, but the remaining six place it around 1,400 years ago, which is most likely when Ale Stenar was formed.

I arrived at my destination.

A little arrow points me out of the small harbour and up a short hill. I’m still puzzled as to where it may be because the hill displayed cows and a highland environment. The sun was rising in the rear, bringing a storybook side to life. I continued hiking till I came across another arrow pointing the way to the Baltic Sea. The stones were not yet visible, but the green wavey hills provided a lovely backdrop.

The sun displayed its strength in my back and provided a lot of energy as the location captured my whole focus. It had a magical quality to it. The first stone appeared out of nowhere. What a view, and with the Baltic Sea in the background, it felt like a fantasy tale. I sense the history and can only express my sincere admiration for this sight to behold.

It was 6 a.m., and just one man was flying his drone and one woman meditating among the stones. The atmosphere was peaceful and serene, and the neighbouring Baltic Sea brought my life to a standstill.
What a sight, and as the sun rises, I take in the full scene. This site’s mood was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, and it genuinely lifted my spirits. Despite having had nearly little sleep, I didn’t feel tired. Since I was now entirely alone in this old place, I reclined against one of the stones with my camera bag and meditated.

It gave me shivers all over my body, and as the sun rose higher, so did the energy. The Baltic Sea next to me was peaceful and gorgeous, with the morning hues transforming the sky.

I’ve only felt this kind of energy before in the heart of the Dolomites. The sun rises, and even though the day has not even begun, my day has already been converted into a gold day. The photography is effortless, and I go back to my English Land Rover with a big smile and gratitude for this inspiring occasion.

On my way back to the little port, I noticed a small otter exhibiting its colours near to me. I noticed her because she kept staring at me. I was curious to hear what she was saying. And there it was.

By appearing, the otter’s words are:

You may feel overwhelmed by your daily duties and you may not have enough time to complete all you desire. It’s often difficult to keep track of jobs, family life, and everyday duties. The Otter will teach you how to prioritise your demands while remaining emotionally aware.

The otter, like the bee, tells us that it is crucial to know how to appreciate the results of your labour rather than just working nonstop. Taking care of oneself and resting are critical to achieving a healthy balance in your life. The otter urges you to slow down and relax to reduce tension and strain, and it teaches you to appreciate your time by having fun.

That’s precisely what I’d been thinking about for weeks. Thank you so much, otter!

Bring people to his location.

I never expected this to happen to me, but as I write, my urge to return becomes stronger. One thing is certain: I will return, and I will not be alone, because I want everyone to enjoy the wonders of the Earth.

It transports you back in time, to the silence and peace of the Baltic Sea. There are no homes in the initial vista. It’s pure nature at its best. Yes, it still exists, and I hope to organise individual classes at such a spot to learn more about otters and other beautiful creatures, as well as their messages.

I am very grateful for this first Swedish experience and the voyage with my four-wheeled home. The otter simply explained why I needed to take this move.

All of the answers are right in front of us; all we have to do is see and accept them.

Thank you




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