Getting back in contact.

It had been a while since I had been able to gather my photographic equipment and explore the woodland to shoot photographs. I have certain health difficulties, but everything always works out. I did make it to the famed Keiheuvel dunes today. A location in a hamlet near my home village.

The reserve consists of dry coniferous trees, heathland, and shifting sand. It is, in reality, an east-west-oriented cover sand ridge that divides the valleys of the Grote Nete and the Molse Nete. The woodlark and sparrowhawk breed there, while the wheatear uses it as a resting spot. Mosses, lichens, and fungi abound in the region. There are also a few unusual insects.

I was on location to experience the beauty of nature.

A recreation park and a small camping area are located adjacent to this natural reserve. A small airfield is also present. The airport of Keiheuvel is located in the Belgian municipality of Balen. It was founded in 1956 and is a major centre for glider flight. It is a recreational resort and a popular location for sport flyers due to the surrounding camping, pub, and vast sports infrastructure. As with other recreational airports in Belgium, the PPR regulation applies here, which stands for “Prior Permission Required”: anyone wishing to fly must first obtain official permission from the grounds superior. Because many gliders are launched with a winch, flying below a specified altitude is prohibited.

Images of a plane landing right in front of us:

After the plane landed on the green grass. I continued my walk to explore the natural reserve’s tiny details. Bliss, my faithful four-legged companion, strolled behind me. She enjoyed running among the dunes.
When I watch her cheerful face enjoying the freedom of outdoors, it makes me happy.

There was much to see than my adorable puppy. Beautiful flowers bloomed in the forest, and I was able to capture them on film.

What I’m able to capture constantly astounds me. The hues I discovered in the forest were modest and sometimes difficult to see in the midst of so much green or sand. But seeing it on picture always makes me grin. A wonderful tune entered my ears as I resumed my trip through the woods. The shouting of birds through the treetops. It’s wonderful to be able to hear this sound. But then I realised I wanted to picture one of the lovely soundmakers.

I believe that was one of the first occasions I was able to utilise my favourite 300mm to photograph the tiny vocalist in action. I felt the connection as she turned around to look at me. It’s a wonderful feeling to be connected to nature. It always helps me forget about everything and appreciate what I’m able to see to the utmost.

It can be so easy. Simply put on the hiking shoes and see what all the excitement is about. There is so much beauty in front of us, and it helps us forget about all the hectic activities on our cell phones.

Connect with nature because being outside is FREE!

thank you



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